msnNOW Is Driving More Traffic To Bing, But Is It Artifically Inflating Searches?

With its msnNOW site barely two weeks old, Microsoft is already reaping benefits on another property: increased traffic to its Bing search engine. But the way it’s happening may also lead to artificial increases in Bing’s market share numbers. First, the traffic stats: Experian Hitwise tells us that downstream traffic from msnNOW to Bing jumped […]

With its msnNOW site barely two weeks old, Microsoft is already reaping benefits on another property: increased traffic to its Bing search engine. But the way it’s happening may also lead to artificial increases in Bing’s market share numbers.

First, the traffic stats:

Experian Hitwise tells us that downstream traffic from msnNOW to Bing jumped 21 percent between the first and second weeks since msnNOW’s launch on February 15th.

That’s in line with a separate report from Compete that says 23 percent of msnNOW users that didn’t visit Bing in the week before launch did visit Bing after using msnNOW. Compete says the largest group of new or re-engaged Bing users are in the 25-34 age group.

msnNOW, if you’re not familiar with it, is a editor-curated site that reports the day’s hot/trending news by tracking the hottest topics that “people are talking about, searching for, and sharing the most” on Facebook, Twitter, Bing and (which is an independent unit inside Microsoft’s service).

One reason it’s driving more traffic to Bing is that, in some of its story coverage, it includes links to get more information via Bing searches. Here’s an example:

used slideshows as searches to artificially inflate their share of overall search activity. That practice eventually prompted comScore to separate its tracking into “core search” and “explicit core search.” The latter doesn’t include activity like slideshows and, presumably, video plays (like shown above) as searches.

To be fair, links like the above aren’t the only way msnNOW users are able to access Bing. Every page on msnNOW, including the home page, has a very noticeable Bing search box at the top.

We may get a better picture of msnNOW’s impact on Bing’s search volume when the next set of statistics comes out, which should be in a couple weeks. Whether the increased traffic from msnNOW equates to Bing gaining in search market share, it is at least getting people onto Bing — the first step toward converting them into actual Bing users.