Volkswagen CEO: ‘I’m Not Sure Apple Will Bring Cars to Market’

Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess cast doubt on Apple’s car plans, questioning whether the company really plans to bring a model to market.

Apple has long been rumored to be working on its own Apple Car, codenamed “Project Titan.” There’s been leaked specsrumored manufacturing partners, and proposed release dates. Despite the momentum that appears to be building for an Apple Car, Diess isn’t convinced, according to Reuters.

“I’m not sure if Apple will actually bring cars to the market in the end. It would be a big effort,” Diess said at the technology conference in Berlin. Diess did clarify that he believed Apple wants to be part of the car cockpit market with its software.

As any tech journalist will confirm, prognosticating Apple’s next moves are an exercise in error and frustration. The company is notoriously secretive about its plans.

That being said, the evidence is certainly not lining up with Diess’ comments. The latest reports suggest the company, under project lead Kevin Lynch, is focusing on a full self-driving model for release in 2025. The company had waffled back and forth between a conservative approach, with only limited self-driving, and a fully autonomous vehicle. The latter approach appears to have won out, at least to the degree anyone from the outside looking in can be sure.

Ultimately, only time will tell if Diess is correct or if Apple will try to revolutionize yet another industry.