Wil Shipley, of The Omni Group and Delicious Monster, Joins Apple

Wil Shipley, the developer known for co-founding The Omni Group and founding Delicious Monster, has joined Apple.

Shipley is one of the most well-known independent developers in the Apple world. His first company, The Omni Group, creates OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, OmniOutliner and OmniPlan. The company, thanks in part to Shipley’s work, won the Apple Design Awards a record five times. Similarly, Delicious Monster creates the popular catalog app Delicious Library.

Shipley’s new title at Apple is “Senior iOS Home Application Engineer.”

Shipley reiterated his commitment to Delicious Library customers in a blog post, although he said he would not be adding new features.

I am joining Apple today, which is very, very exciting for me. I’ve been working alone for a long time and am just incredibly stoked to be working with a team again.

I’d like to assure Delicious Library customers that I’ll do my best to keep Delicious Library running on each new operating system release. I cannot add features any more, but honestly I haven’t added any features in quite a while — the last major overhaul was just so I could implement Amazon’s latest protocols so Library would continue to look up items in America.

It should be interesting to see what contributions such a well-respected and innovative developer can bring to the table.