Bing Ads Rolls Out Enhanced Sitelinks Globally, Adds Sitelink Device Preference

Additional copy below each Sitelink extension is available in most markets and languages supported by Bing Ads.

bing ads enhanced sitelinks roll out globally

Enhanced Sitelinks enable two lines of description copy below each Sitelink.

After an initial run in the US that began last September, Bing Ads is making Enhanced Sitelinks available to nearly all supported markets and languages globally. The remaining markets are Hong Kong and Taiwan, in which Bing Ads says they’ll launch soon.

Enhanced Sitelinks allow advertisers to add description copy below each Sitelink Extension. They display only when an ad is in position one and only on top performing ads — primarily on brand terms. Other factors include user location, space available on the page and ad relevancy among others. To show description text, Sitelinks must not exceed 25 characters, as opposed to the 35 character limit for standard Sitelinks, so some advertisers may need to edit existing Sitelinks before adding description text to them.

New Sitelinks Device Preference

Enhanced Sitelinks display on desktop and tablet devices only. For that reason, Bing Ads also announced the launch of a device preference option for Sitelinks. This lets advertisers specify which Sitelink should have preference on mobile traffic.

A cursory search in the US today found that many brands and retailers aren’t taking advantage of Enhanced Sitelinks, yet. At the time of the US launch, Bing Ads reported an average click-through rate increase of 27 percent when Enhanced Sitelinks were shown.