SEOs Sharing SEO Email Spam

You and I all get them, probably a couple times or more per day, spam from “SEO companies” offering us “top guaranteed rankings” in Google if we pay them a few hundred bucks.

The emails that make it to our email inbox folders with these unbelievable offers is often sickening to many of us. At some point, you get dumb to them but at other times you just lose it and want to scream.

That is what happened at Cre8asite Forums when Kim Krause-Berg posted a couple of recent SEO spam emails she received in her thread, “SEO Hall Of Shame.”

Now, many SEOs are posting emails they recently received from SEO companies promising the world in a misspelled email blast sent to every web site owner on the internet.

Are you sick of these emails? Have you seen some incredibly funny ones recently? Share them in the thread.

Forum discussion at Cre8asite Forums.