Why you need to look at the operational needs as well as revenue impact when determining SEO team size. This is the second installment of our series on in-house SEO in which we dig into the operational challenges and opportunities that managing search…
Category: SEO
Google search results eye candy: How users navigate search features and what it means for SEO
Search behaviors are changing as users “ping pong” their attention across search results pages. We know the number of features like knowledge panels, images, local packs and other elements have proliferated in search results in recent years, and that has…
Leaning into SEO as Google shifts from search engine to portal
How to prepare your company for Google’s new customer journey for search. Google’s SERP is almost unrecognizable compared to what it looked like just a few years ago. The changes aren’t just on the surface, either: Google is becoming less…
A quick and easy guide to understanding search intent for SEO
Spend time researching “Know,” Do” and “Go” queries so you can create content that puts you in front of the consumer at all stages of their purchasing cycle. In 2011, Google coined the phrase Zero Moment of Truth. They recognized how consumer…
Cars.com vs. CarGurus.com saga shows the importance of SEO (and the bad side of a Google update)
When an algorithm update slams one of your biggest rivals, that’s when you should step on the gas. For Cars.com, the popular automotive marketplace, the March 2019 core update was good: the company has seen a 49% increase in search visibility since. SEO…
How to write SEO-friendly alt text for your images
One of the biggest problems digital marketers face is nuances to crafting high-quality SEO rich content. A great area of opportunity for marketers is their SEO alt text for images. We’ve all been to websites and the image is replaced by a…
Excel Fuzzy Lookup for SEO: Effortless 404 and site migration redirects
In recent years, the nature of SEO has become more and more data-driven, paving the way for innovative trends such as AI or natural language processing. This has also created opportunities for smart marketers, keen to use everyday tools such…
Why SEO and front-end developers are the perfect search marketing team
If you work in digital marketing, then you will have already heard a lot about the role of SEO and front-end development in creating popular websites. SEO and web development are often considered as incompatible as iOS and Android devices.…
How to keep your SEO team (and yourself) relevant
Weekly rank tracking. Optimization meetings with the media, copy, UX and dev teams. Monthly analytics reporting with the client. And decks. So many decks. With so much on one’s plate, it can feel like there is not much room for…
Introducing SEO for developers. It’s time.
Computer programming is making enormous innovative leaps on the web, evolving from crusty old-school AJAX, to jQuery, to reactive views that synchronize app states with single language frameworks. React and Vue are highly optimized for comparing pages loaded up in…