Trai recommends blueprint for National Broadcasting Policy

Trai chairman Anil Kumar Lahoti

Mumbai: The telecom regulator says a national broadcasting policy that is in the works should cater to the diverse needs of consumers and promote democratic values and cultural diversity.

In recommendations submitted to the information and broadcasting ministry, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) set ambitious goals to transform India’s broadcasting sector, which it said should also foster a competitive, affordable, and ubiquitous ecosystem.

Trai is among 42 entities from whom the ministry had sought recommendations for a national policy designed to increase inclusivity and literacy, attracting investments, and developing indigenous infrastructure and positioning ‘Brand India’ globally.

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Among Trai’s recommendations are propelling growth via establishing a data-driven governance framework to bolster the broadcasting ecosystem; developing a resilient and technology-adaptive infrastructure to encourage research and development (R&D) and indigenous manufacturing; and creating a level playing field to stimulate economic growth and make India an ‘Uplinking Hub’ for global television channels.

To promote content, Trai has emphasized enhancing the production and distribution of quality content across television, radio, and streaming platforms.

Key focus areas identified

On 13 July last year, the ministry asked Trai for its recommendations. A detailed consultation paper was issued on 27 April 2024, which identified key focus areas for the policy and posed 20 critical questions to stakeholders.

Input was sought from 42 entities including service providers, industry associations, and consumer advocacy groups. An open house discussion (OHD) was conducted on 15 May 2024, which got additional comments contributing to the final recommendations.

In pursuit of establishing India as a “global leader in broadcasting”, the policy outlines a broad roadmap for the next ten years, with a special focus on the coming five years. The initiatives include establishing a robust broadcasting ecosystem enabled by growth-oriented policies and regulations, supporting the creation of a resilient, adaptive, and technology-agile infrastructure, and fostering research and development along with indigenous manufacturing.

The recommendations around content aim to encourage the proliferation of Indian content both locally and globally, harnessing the power of emerging broadcasting technologies and making India a ‘Global Content Hub’.

Enabling quality content production

The policy also seeks to enable quality content production in public service broadcasting to inform, educate, and entertain the masses.

The draft policy include combating piracy and safeguarding the rights of content creators and intellectual property holders through copyright protection. It also addresses social and environmental responsibilities by ensuring awareness and enabling provisions for disseminating information across all strata of society, incorporating green broadcasting practices, and preparing for disaster management.

The Trai recommendations are set to provide a strategic framework for the planned development and growth of the broadcasting sector in India, aligning with the needs of a rapidly changing digital landscape and the expectations of a diverse audience.