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I saw a TikTok the other day (don’t @ me, y’all know I love it) where a woman played the first few measures of a bunch of different songs that millennials will instantly recognize. The idea is that, to each generation, there are songs so foundational that you only need to play a few seconds to automatically know what it is. They instantly trigger nostalgia.
Brands can sometimes capture that same nostalgia with logos and jingles. I bet your mind automatically completes these jingles:
Even if the brands have moved on from their original jingles, they’re still part of the brand profile. I think this same principle applies to full-funnel search marketing (it’s not as far a stretch as you think — stay with me).
When we create top-of-funnel (TOFU) content to drive traffic to our sites, they don’t typically convert right away or even anytime soon. But if we become the source of information on that topic, we’ll be the known leader in that area. So when it is finally time to buy — our qualified searchers will know exactly who to come to in order to solve their problems.
If done right, they’ll remember the siren’s call of our helpful information almost as much as a catchy jingle or your favorite nostalgic song.